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Most of the potential "guest appearances" listed under media will only be possible if you're willing to be more candid (honest) than is politically prudent for you. But ALL of the media personalities listed would be interested in meeting you "off the record"—though your patrons / sponsors may not fully understand the power of such meetings if you do not appear on television, radio, or print as you do in Russia.

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[T]here is NO limit as to how many American companies that you can meet—at the highest levels—if you are able to represent that you are a potential line of communication into future Russian Federation governments.

In this email, U.S. Person 1 listed potential media, business, and political contacts, and closed with, "Everyone on this list understands (to some degree) U.S. / Russian relations under President Obama and President Putin. Everyone on this list would like to better understand U.S. / Russian relations under new presidents for each country. YOU can provide commentary on both—if you're willing to take that risk."

21. Also in late March 2015, U.S. Person 1 emailed BUTINA, with the subject line "Your Plan Forward." In this email, U.S. Person 1 told BUTINA that

If you were to sit down with your special friends and make a list of ALL the most important contacts you could find in America for a time when the political situation between the U.S. and Russia will change, you could NOT do better than the list that I just emailed you. NO one—certainly not the "official" Russian Federation public relations representative in New York—could build a better list. And for a variety of current political reasons, the current Russian ambassadors to the United States and United Nations do not even try.

YOU HAVE ALREADY MET ALL OF THE AMERICANS necessary to introduce you to EVERYONE on that list. . . .

If you had NOT spent the last year attending conferences in America, it would take you ANOTHER year to be able to meet the names on that list. What you have done is prepare all of the groundwork (necessary introductions) in order to be introduced to everyone on that list. All that is needed is for your friends to provide you with the financial resources to spend the time in America to TAKE ALL OF THESE MEETINGS. I and your friends in America can't make it any easier for you than that.