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Page:CAB Accident Report, Braniff Airways Flight 2.pdf/33

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II. U. S. Weather Bureau Forecasts Issued by The Airway Forecast Center at Kansas City, Missouri, Covering the Period From 10:30 p.m. CST, May 31 to 6:30 a.m. CST, June 1.
Wichita Terminal Thunderstorms vicinity during period accompanied by broken to overcast, 3 to 5 thousand, visibility 6 miles or more, lowering in precipitation to 1 or 2 miles.
Airway Forecast Kansas City-Amarillo; Kansas City-Indianapolis; Kansas City-Chicago - 10:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. CST: Thunderstorms Texas Panhandle northeastward through central Indiana locally severe eastern Kansas with thunderstorms ending eastern Missouri eastward through district by 0100 CST but continuing west in Missouri southwestward through district. Ceilings generally 3 to 5 thousand, visibility 1 to 3 miles accompanying thunderstorms except lowering to 1 to 2 thousand, visibility 1/2 mile in severe storms eastern Kansas. Very low stratus clouds forming northeastern Illinois, ceilings 2 to 4 hundred and visibility lowering 1 to 3 miles account fog by midnight lowering to near dense fog by 0300 CST. General fog forming southeastern Nebraska by midnight lowering visibility to 1 to 3 miles by 0200 CST and near zero after 0400 CST. Continuing CAVU eastern Oklahoma through northeastern Arkansas and after thunderstorms dissipate. Visibility outside precipitation and for areas generally unrestricted lowering visibility cities account smoke eastern portion district to 2 to 4 miles by 0300 CST.