Page:CAB Accident Report, Frontier Airlines Flight 32.pdf/10

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The Civil Aeronautics Board was notifled of the accident immediately after its occurrence. An investigation was immediately initiated in accordance with the provisions of Title VII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended. Depositions in connection w1th this investigation were taken at Miles City, Montana, on April 15, 1964, and at Billings, Montana, on April 16, 1964.

The Carrier

Frontier Airlines, Inc., is a Nevada corporation with its principal office in Denver, Colorado. The corporation holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board, and an air carrier operating certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Agency. These certificates authorize the carrier to engage in air transportation of persons, property, and mail over the route involved.

The Aircraft

The aircraft was a Douglas model DC-3C, serial number 9642, and bore FAA identification N61442. It was manufactured June 1943, and at the time of the accident had been operated 30,442 hours. Maintenance had been current and in compliance with FAA requirements.

The two engines were Pratt and Whitney model R-1830, S163G and the propellers were Hamilton Standard model 23E50. Maintenance of engines and propellers had been current and in compliance with FAA requirements.

Flight Personnel

Captain Kenneth C. Huber, age 42, had a total piloting time of 15,335 hours of which 12,830 had been in DC-3 aircraft. He was properly certificated, rated and checked. His rest period, prior to the start of the subject flight, was in excess of 30 hours. He had been employed by Frontier Airlines Inc. since January 1951, and was unusually well experienced, currently, in landing scheduled Frontier Airlines DC-3s at the Miles City Airport.

First Office Daniel H. Gough, age 25, had a total pilots time of 3,539 hours of which 1,355 hours had been as first officer in DC-3s. He was properly Certificated, rated, and checked. His rest period, prior to the start of the subject flight, was in excess of 30 hours. He had been employed by Frontier Airlines, Inc. since June 1962.

Captain Huber and First Officer Gough had flown together, as a crew, on numerous Frontier flights into the Miles City Airport.

Stewardess Dorothy Ruth Reif, age 22, had been employed by Frontier Airlines, Inc., Since October 13, 1963.