Page:CAB Accident Report, National Airlines Flight 16.pdf/1

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Docket No. SAL-.108 . File No. 3452-45 C IV IL AEROI‘JAUSI: Ids BOARD


Adopted: July 3, 1946 . 1 Released: July fig; 1946

MAE} lOI-IAL AIRLINES - LAKELAND, FLORIDA -- OCTOBER 5 , 1945 L The Accident National Airlines Flight 16 of October 4, 1945, between and Jacksonville, Florida, crashed into a lake adjoining Lakeland Air— ’ cart at 0105 , October 5 , 1945*, while ‘attempting to execute a missed approach procedure. Two passengers were drowned, other passengers received injuries, and the Lockheed Lodestar was extensively damaged.-


Description of the Flight

Flight 16 departed Miami at 2112 October 4, 19-45, one hour and 15 minutes late due to rerouting of the aircraft from E1 preinous 7 schedule. The. flight from ‘Ifiafii progressed uneventfully with routine - stops being made at Fort layers, Sarasota, St. Peters‘owrg and Tampa.“ The aircraft was ,refueled at Tempe and under contact flight rules 7 1Eras cleared to Lalceland 33 'miles away. fiéparture was made at 0045 with a crew of three and twelve pa55engers. The flight climbed to an altitude-of 1500 feet and continued toxerds Lakeland.

Atrthe time of departure the weather at Tampa was unlimited

while Lakeland was reporting 9 miles visibility and scattered clouds

_ 5

tinejreferred to in this report is Eastern Standard and based on

the 24—hour clock. '