Page:CAB Accident Report, Northwest Airlines Flight 1.pdf/7

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File No. 880—42

the field and was planning his landing. The following messages were radioed to the flight at 11:32 a.m. and 11:35 a.m., respectively, while Trip 1 circled the airport: "The NW-SE only runway and it 300 feet short on both ends, will have to stay on the runway account soft field and taxi strips." "Windrows of gravel at the ends of the runway about 3 or 4 feet high." Both of these messages were acknowledged as "OK" by Trip 1. The last acknowledged radio contact with the flight was at 11:46 a.m. (MWT) at the conclusion of the second approach. This contact, as given, was: "The wind is right across the runway. If you cannot make out runway or hold to runway suggest you pass Miles City as must hold to runway. Billings is closed and Bismarck is open. The wind velocity varies from 12 to 20 NE." Trip 1 made the following acknowledgment: "Will try to land again then advise."

Witnesses estimated that the third and final approach was also slightly high and fast. While several witnesses saw the landing, and one, who was standing near the intersection of the two runways, saw the plane disappear beyond the boundary of the field, there were no eye-witnesses to the actual crash. The airplane's window curtains were drawn in compliance with wartime regulations; consequently, the ten passengers and the stewardess were unable to observe the landing or the subsequent events.

Marks an the runway showed that the right wheel contacted the ground at a point about 240 feet short of the intersection of the two runways. Approximately 60 feet beyond, the left wheel made contact for a distance of about 55 feet, after which there were no left wheel marks for approximately 660 feet, indicating that the aircraft rolled this distance on the right wheel only. The aircraft then rolled on both wheels for