Page:CAB Accident Report, Pan American Airways Flight 500.pdf/1

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Adopted: August 3, 1942
File No. 4003-41

of the
Investigation of an Accident Involving Aircraft in
Air Carrier Operation

An air carrier accident which resulted in minor damage to a Douglas airplane, model DC-3A, NC 28307, owned and operated by Pan American Airways, Inc., occurred at about 7:46 p.m. on July 15, 1941, at Soledad Airport, Barranquilla, Colombia, South America. No injuries were sustained by any of the 15 passengers or the crew of 4. The crew consisted of Captain Victor Albert Wright and Co-pilot Bruce Sloat Meade, Jr., both of whom were properly certificated and appropriately rated, John L. Cunningham, Radio officer, and Charles Einton Gay, flight steward.

The flight, designated by Pan American Airways as Trip No. 500, originated at Port of Spain, Trinidad, with Brownsville, Texas as its destination. Several intermediate stops were scheduled, including one at Barranquilla. The flight proceeded without incident until the landing at this point. A low, power-on approach was made and just prior to reaching the runway, the power was cut. This allowed the aircraft to settle in, striking some tree stumps adjacent to the end of the runway, damaging the tail surfaces sufficiently to necessitate repairs at Barranquilla. Weather conditions were good and had no bearing on the accident.

PROBABLE CAUSE: Failure of the pilot to avoid low obstructions near the end of the runway.


/s/ Darwin Charles Brown