Page:CAB Accident Report, Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Flight 17.pdf/10

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of the aircraft, Captain Read was unable to turn sufficiently to avoid striking the fence. Wheel marks indicated that the left wheel had been continuously on the ground for only 820 feet, the right wheel for only 470 feet, and the tail wheel for only 408 feet, when the aircraft struck the fence. The airplane went through the fence at a speed of from 20 to 30 m.p.h., and continued for 237 feet across a street and into a yard before it finally came to rest. This occurred at approximately 7:28 p.m.

The 7:30 p.m. weather report for Detroit indicated instrument weather, ceiling estimated as 1200 feet, overcast, lower scattered clouds at 500 feet, visibility 1 mile, light snow, light fog, temperature 31, dew point 30; wind north 4 m.p.h., altimeter setting 29.75. Captain Read testified that he had 1 mile visibility at all times in the vicinity of the airport but did not encounter the scattered clouds reported at 500 feet.

There was no indication of ice on the aircraft. When the plane was being removed from the point at which it came to rest, the brakes were tested and were found to be in satisfactory operating condition. Subsequent examination and the testimony of Captain Read and First Officer Ricks indicated there had been no malfunctioning of the aircraft, its brakes, or its engines. All of the damage to the airplane had apparently resulted from striking the fence and other obstructions beyond the fence.