Page:CAB Accident Report, Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Flight 17.pdf/15

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  1. The slippery condition of the field prevented effective braking action and a sufficient turn to avoid the boundary fence along the northeast side of the airport. The aircraft struck this fence at a speed of 20 to 30 m.p.h, went through the fence, and continued for a distance of 237 feet across a street and into a yard before coming to rest.
  2. Aircraft NC 21788, its brakes, and engines were functioning normally until the aircraft struck the fence.
  3. The Detroit City airport has only two runways suitable for air carrier operation, and there are numerous high obstructions in the vicinity. In addition, it is located in an industrial area and is subject to localized smoke conditions.

Probable Cause

On the basis of the foregoing findings and all the evidence available to the Board at this time, the Board finds that the probable cause of the accident was the action of Captain Read in electing to land on the sod which afforded less traction than the runway; in landing in a direction which afforded less usable landing area than would otherwise have been available; and in misjudging speed and distance during the approach under conditions of restricted visibility.


/s/ L. Welch Pogue
/s/  L. Welch Pouge

/s/ Harllee Branch
/s/  Harllee Branch

/s/ Oswald Ryan
/s/  Oswald Ryan

/s/ Edward Warner
/s/  Edward Warner