Page:CAB Accident Report, Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Flight 17.pdf/3

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In connection with the investigation of the accident the Board ordered a public hearing, which was held at Detroit, Michigan, on March 17, 1942. Donald W. Markham, an attorney for the Board acted as Presiding Examiner and the following personnel of the Board participated in the hearing: Robert D. Hoyt, Assistant Director of the Safety Bureau; Charles Z. German, Assistant General Counsel; James M. Peyton, Senior Air Safety Investigator; Ervin N. Townsend, Air Safety Investigator; and Paul A. Gareau, Air Safety Specialist.

Upon the basis of the evidence accumulated during the investigation and at the hearing the Board now makes its report in accordance with the provisions of the Act.


Air Carrier

PCA, a Delaware corporation, was at the time of the accident an air carrier operating under certificates of public convenience and necessity and an air carrier operating certificate issued pursuant to the Act. These certificates authorized it to engage in air transportation between various points, including Washington, D. C.; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Cleveland, Ohio; and Detroit. Michigan.

Flight Personnel

On the flight in question the crew consisted of Captain Ralph N. Read, First Officer Albert R. Ricks and Stewardess Lousie Taylor.