Page:CAB Accident Report, Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Flight 17.pdf/8

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Captain Read stated that he first observed the airport on his left when he was at an altitude of approximately 1400 feet above sea level, 775 feet above the airport. After passing along the northeast side of the field, he circled the airport to the left and descended to approximately 600 feet above the ground.

Captain Read elected not to land on the 4135-foot east-northeast–west-southwest runway. He decided instead to land on the sod toward the northeast, directly into the wind and at approximately a 20-degree angle across the runway. He subsequently stated that he did so because such a landing would allow him to extend his landing roll by turning to the left into the northwest corner of the airport in the event the field proved to be slippery. After circling the airport to the left, he made his final turn at a point southwest of the field and lined up for his approach about a mile from the airport boundary. Both Captain Read and First Officer Ricks stated that they could see the floodlights at the east-northeast end of the runway at this time. Full flaps were applied and the First Officer began to call airspeeds when the aircraft was about three-quarters of a mile from the boundary and was traveling at an airspeed of 110 m.p.h. The approach was made with power off. Captain Read estimated that he crossed the boundary of the airport at an altitude of about 140 feet and at an airspeed of 85 m.p.h. He stated that, because of the obstructions in the vicinity of the airport, he ordinarily landed faster there than at other airports. First Officer Ricks testified that the airplane crossed the boundary at an altitude