Page:CAB Accident Report, Western Air Lines Flight 221.pdf/14

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The Civil Aeronautics Board was notified of this accident at approximately 0055 P.s.t., December 18, 1963. An investigation was immediately initiated in accordance with provisions of Title VII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended. Depositions were ordered by the Board and were taken at Los Angeles, California, on December 19, 1963, and January 21, 1964

Air Carrier

Western Air Lines, Inc., is a scheduled air carrier incorporated in the State of Delaware with its principal business office located in Los Angeles, California. It operates under a currently effective certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board, and an air carrier operating certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Agency. These certificates authorize the company to transport by air, persons, property, and mail between various points in the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

The Aircraft

N93131, a Douglas DC-6B, manufacturer's serial No. 45536, was owned and operated by Western Air Lines, Inc., 6060 Avion Drive, Los Angeles, California. The aircraft was manufactured in August 1958, and had a total flying time of 13,742:40 hours.

It was powered by four Pratt & Whitney model R-2800-CB16 engines and equipped with Hamilton Standard model 43E60 propellers. Brgine times are as follows:

Engine Position Serial No. Passengers Others
No. 1 37158 841 9,436
No. 2 36045 103 13,171
No. 3 34424 189 16,538
No. 4 35809 324 13,008

Flight Personnel

Captain Robert P. Elliot, age 40, was employed by WAL on February 15, 1950. He held currently effective FAA airline transport certificate No. 116363 with type ratings for the DC-6B and 3C-7 aircraft. Captain Elliot had a total of 15,200 hours flight time of which 5,000 hours were in DC-6B type aircraft. He satisfactorily passed a first-class FAA flight physical on December 12, 1963, without waivers Captain Elliot was requalified as pilot-in-command in DC-68 aircraft on November 21, 1963. The subject flight was his first as pilot-in-command since June 1960.

First Officer Lec N. Marshall, age 32, was employed by WAL on February 27, He had a total of 2,200 hours flight time of which 750 hours were in