Page:CAB Accident Report, Western Air Lines Flight 636.pdf/3

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below.[1] The ceiling and visibility at San Francisco was 800 feet and 10 miles 700 feet and 10 miles at Oakland.

  1. Dept. of Comm. - CAA - LAX - Region Six - "Joint Operations Letter - Revised effective April 10, 1952. Oakland Air Route Traffic Control Center No. 18. Oakland Airport Traffic Control Tower No. 7.
    San Francisco Airport Traffic Control Tower No. 4. SUBJECT: CONTROL OF TRANSBAY TRAFFIC - SAN FRANCISCO AND OAKLAND.

    "1. GENERAL

    The following procedures are established for the purpose of expediting the flow of transbay traffic between the Oakland and San Francisco Airports under certain IFR weather conditions. Control procedures will be applied in conformance with the ANC Manual of Operations, Procedures for the Control of Air Traffic, expect for the deviations contained in these instructions.


    Authority for the control of transbay flights is delegated to the San Francisco and Oakland Towers under the following conditions:

    A. Visual Flights

    (1) Whenever the ceiling or visibility is less than 1,000 feet and/or three miles, a clearance will be required for all transbay visual flights. Flight altitudes during these weather conditions shall be not more than 1,000 feet and not less than 500 feet.
    (2) Transbay visual flights shall not be conducted under weather conditions less than the following sliding scale minimums:
    Ceiling 1,000 feet minimum visibility 1 mile
    " 900 " " " 2 miles
    " 800 " " " 3 "
    " 700 " " " 4 "
    " 600 " " " 5 "


    A. In the event a transbay visual flight is unable to maintain visual contact with the land or water, such flights will immediately advise approach control at the destination airport and execute the following procedure: .......

    (2) San Francisco to Oakland Flights: Proceed on a heading to intercept the northwest course of the Oakland range, climbing to missed approach altitude of 2,000 feet and hold northwest of the Oakland range station in a one-minute elliptical holding pattern, all turns west of course."