Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Allegheny Airlines Flight 371.pdf/2

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Prior to the departure of Flight 371 Captain Goldsmith received the available en route and terminal weather reports and forecasts. The flight was dispatched IFR but the captain elected to depart VFR because of the existing VFR weather en route. Allegheny company policy is to dispatch all flights IFR unless load conditions or navigational facilities require a VFR release.

Flight 371 departed Philadelphia at 0815 with 17 revenue passengers. At the time of takeoff the gross weight of the aircraft was 36,477 pounds, which was 2,083 pounds below the allowable gross takeoff weight at Philadelphia for landing at Harrisburg.

Following the takeoff from Philadelphia the flight proceeded VFR to Harrisburg where it landed at 0851 without incident and deplaned four passengers and 404 pounds of cargo.

Flight 371 departed Harrisburg at 0906 with 22 revenue passengers, one additional crew member, and 598 pounds of baggage, mail, and cargo. The gross weight at time of takeoff was 36,429 pounds, which was 2,081 pounds below the allowable takeoff weight at Harrisburg for landing at Williamsport.

The Williamsport weather at 0855 was reported as: Partial obscuration, 1,000 feet scattered, estimated 2,500 overcast, visibility 2 miles, light snow; temperature 32, dewpoint 30, wind west-northwest at seven knots; altimeter 30.26. Remarks - 4/10 sky obscured by snow few fracto-stratus at 1,000 feet along mountains. This weather was not available to the pilot at the time of his departure.

At 0923 Flight 371 reported to Williamsport radio that it was making 360-degree turns five minutes south of the Williamsport low frequency range at an altitude of 3,500 feet, VFR, and requested an instrument clearance to the Williamsport Airport. Williamsport radio responded by giving the 0917 Williamsport weather observation, which was: Precipitation ceiling 1,000 feet, sky obscured; visibility one mile in light snow, wind west at five knots; altimeter 30.26. At this time Williamsport radio requested that the flight stand by for clearance. At 0927 Flight 371 was cleared direct to the Williamsport low frequency range from its present position, to maintain 4,000 feet. At 0928 New York Center instructed Williamsport radio to advise Flight 371 to report north of Victor Airway 232. The flight received this information at 0930. At 0931 Flight 371 advised that it was north of Victor Airway 232. At 0933 Flight 371 was cleared for an approach to the Williamsport Airport, to report on the ground, on cancelling IFR. At this time Flight 371 reported over the Williamsport low frequency range, leaving 4,000 feet, and commencing an approach. At 0935 the Williamsport 0934 weather observation was given to Flight 371 as being: 1,000-feet scattered, precipitation obscuration 2,000 feet; visibility 1-1/2 miles in light snow, wind west at four knots, altimeter setting 30.26 inches. Allegheny minimum for this approach to the Williamsport Airport at 900 feet ceiling and 1-1/2 miles visibility.

At 0941 Flight 371 reported over the low frequency range on final approach and the communicator noted the time as being 0941. At this time the flight was advised of the surface wind, altimeter setting, and that the runway lights were on high brilliancy on runway 9-27. Flight 371 acknowledged all of these transmissions from Williamsport radio. At 0942 the flight reported in range to the company on company frequency. At this time the company advised that their altimeter setting was 30.25 inches and requested the arrival and departure times of the flight at Harrisburg. Flight 371 acknowledged the altimeter setting but did not relay the time information requested.