Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Northwest Airlines Flight 705.pdf/25

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The Civil Aeronautics Board was notified of a missing aircraft at 1400 on February 12, 1963, and a search was started immediately. The wreckage was discovered at 1859 and investigators were dispatched to the scene. An investigation was conducted in accordance with provisions of Title VII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended. A public hearing was held by the Board at the Barcelona Hotel in Miami Beach, Florida, June 17-24, 1963.

Air Carrier

Northwest Airlines, Inc., is a Minnesota corporation with its principal business office at Minneapolis, Minnesota. The corporation holds a currently valid certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Civil Aeronautics Board, and an air carrier operating certificate issued by the Federal Aviation Agency.

The Crew

Captain Roy W. Almquist, age 47, possessed an airline transport certificate No. 6314541 with ratings in the DC-3, DC-4, DC-6, DC-7 and L-188, B-720, airplane single and multiengine land. He had a total pilot time of 17,834:14 hours, with 150.02 hours in the Boeing 720B. His last flight proficiency check was accomplished on November 13, 1962, and his FAA first-class medical certificate was dated November 21, 1962.

First Officer Robert J. Feller, age 38, possessed a valid airline transport pilot certificate No. 500934, with ratings in the DC-4, DC-6, DC-7, and airplane multiengine land. He had a total pilot time of 11,799.12 hours with 1,093.12 hours in the Boeing 720B. His last flight proficiency check was accomplished on July 8, 1962, and his FAA first-class medical certificate was dated October 4, 1962.

Second Officer Allen R. Friesen, age 29, held a valid airline transport pilot certificate No. 1246257, with ratings for airplane single and multiengine land and instruments. His flight engineer certificate was No. 1,492,889. He had a total pilot time of 4,852.50 hours and 523:00 hours as second officer, all on the Boeing 720B. His last flight proficiency check was accomplished May 8, 1962, and his FAA first-class medical certificate was dated April 18, 1962.

Stewardess Virginia Lee Younkin, age 25, was hired on June 16, 1958, and qualified for the Boeing 720B on June 23, 1961.

Stewardess Myrna E. Ewert, age 28, was hired on April 24, 1959, and qualified for the Boeing 720B on June 19, 1961.

Stewardess Wendy F. Engebretson, age 21, was hired on September 29, 1961, and qualified for the Boeing 720B on September 26, 1961.

Stewardess Connie Rae Blank, age 21, was hired April 28, 1962, and qualified for the Boeing 720B on April 21, 1962.

Stewardess Mary S. Sandell, age 20, was hired December 22, 1962, and qualified for the Boeing 720B on December 19, 1962.