Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Panagra Flight 9.pdf/12

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date, the Acting Chief of the Air Carrier branch, Fourth Region, of the Civil Aeronautics Administration, addressed communications to Panagra's Operations Manager at Lima, in reference to a "Route Manual". The CAA realized the importance of written instructions for en route operations and these communications requested that Panagra's operations personnel give some thought to the preparation of such a route manual to be furnished pilots and operating crews which would contain detailed procedures and instructions concerning the en route and terminal operations; Subsequent to the accident, Panagra stated that such a manual was being prepared.


Upon the basis of all the evidence available to the Board at this time, we find that the facts relating to the accident, involving Panagra's Trip No. 9 of January 22, 1943, are as follows:

1. The accident occurred at approximately 3:15 p.m. on January 22, 1943, and resulted in fatal injuries to four members of the crew and ten passengers, and serious injuries to one passenger, The aircraft, NC 33645, was completely destroyed by impact and fire.

2. At the time of the accident, Panagra held a certificate of public convenience and necessity and an air carrier operating certificate authorizing it to conduct the flight. Both the certificates were currently effective.

3. The aircraft, NC 33645, was currently certificated as airworthy at the time of the accident.

4. The flight crew were physically qualified an held proper and current certifications of competency to perform their duties on the subject flight.

5. Panagra's Trip No. 9 originated at Santiago, Chile, with Lima, Peru, as its destination. It had been cleared in accordance with