Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Panagra Flight 9.pdf/3

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Purser Jorge Alvarez.

Captain Gardner, age 25, a citizen of the United states residing in Peru, had accumulated approximately 1437 hours of flying time, 1151 of which were on Douglas equipment. He was properly certificated, holding an airline transport pilot certificate with multi-engine, land, 730-2190 h.p. rating. His last physical examination, required by the Civil Air Regulations, was taken on December 9, 1943, and showed him to be in satisfactory physical condition. He entered the employ of Panagra on March 1, 1941. In November 1942, he received his airline transport pilot certificate and on December 19, 1942, assigned as captain over the Lima-Santiago-Buenos Aires route. Previous to the accident he had completed 45 trips over the Lima-Arequipa. route, including time as pilot on cargo flights. All of Gardner's flight time as captain on Pangra's Douglas equipment was accomplished in a normal manner and without known pilot irregularities. A check of his activities prior to his departure from Santiago on the subject flight revealed that he had retired at approximately 9:30 p.m. the night before, and that his physical condition and mental attitude on the day of the flight appeared to be excellent. A survey of his training and experience indicated that he was properly qualified to conduct the subject flight as captain.

First officer Turbyne, age 27, a citizen of the United States residing in Lima, Peru, had accumulated approximately 722 hours of flying time, 280 of which were on Douglas equipment. He held a commercial pilot certificate with a single-engine, land, 210-630 h.p. rating and an instrument rating "valid only for piloting air carrier aircraft as a second pilot." His last physical examination, required by Civil Air Regulations, was taken on July 1, 1942 and showed him to be in proper physical condition. He entered the employ of Panagra on July 11, 1941 and made his first scheduled trip as a first officer on February 1, 1942. While taking his advanced training to obtain unrestricted