Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, Panagra Flight 9.pdf/7

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the accident, removal of the domes, which had been damaged by impact, was impossible, and a reading of the blade pitch settings, etc., could not be made. However, it was ascertained that the small lock screws in the blade shank bushing of the left propeller had sheared due to the ground impact, which allowed the blades to rotate in the bushings. All three blades were rotated approximately 160° from their normal operation angle; that is, the leading edge of each blade was twisted to form the trailing edge in regard to blade of engine rotation.

At the time of impact, both engines were torn free of the structure at that point where the diagonal members form their attachment to the engine mount. They rolled approximately 3000 feet down the mountain in an almost straight line, shedding their accessories, etc., with each contact with the ground before eventually stopping at the bottom of the incline.

The main oil sump of the right engine was quite badly damaged but was found to be free of any foreign particles. The main oil pressure screen contained a small portion of carbon and lint; but this is not unusual in a recently overhauled engine.

A thorough check of the remaining parts of the engines, aircraft, and accessories revealed no evidence of malfunctioning but indicated that the flight was proceeding in a normal manner.

Radio Equipment

Inspection of the log books of NC 33645, covering a period from January 1 to January 22, 1943, showed no malfunctioning of radio equipment that had not been corrected, and generally reflected satisfactory operation of the installation and its component parts.

On the flight in question, all scheduled contacts were made and, from the facts available, it appears that all communications were accomplished in a normal manner and that the aircraft radio installation was functioning properly. The entire radio installation was destroyed at the time of the accident.