Page:CAB Aircraft Accident Report, United Airlines Flight 227.pdf/25

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materials on transport aircraft. Our research effort is also being applied currently to toxicity and smoke propagation characteristics of all materials used in transport airplane interiors and may well lead to further proposals to amend the related airworthiness standards. These projects are identified as "Thermal Criteria for Interior Materials" and "Hazardous Combustible Characteristics of Cabin Interior Material."

From the foregoing, I believe you will agree that evaluation of the need for corrective action on the Boeing 727 series aircraft is well underway. I would also like to make it clear that while the attention is focused on the Boeing 727 series, our consideration will also be given to other transport aircraft. Reassessments of transport aircraft with engines mounted in the rear are presently in process and may well lead to their further improvement.

Every effort is being directed by the Agency to continuously seek improvement of crashworthiness safety features. In consonance therewith, we are reactivating our task force to again reevaluate the adequacy of such provisions in transport airplanes and related operating procedures. This is timely as a followup to our recently adopted emergency evacuation rules. As part of this program, you will also be interested in knowing that the Agency plans to hold a series of meetings in the coming weeks with all segments of industry to stimulate constructive ideas for improvements in crashworthiness standards. As your Mr. Bernard Doyle was a member of the original task force, we would be pleased to have him participate as an advisor.

In summary, may I state the Agency is acutely aware of the need to continuously seek improved crashworthiness standards, and to improving the means to evacuate passengers under the most extreme conditions. We shall continue to devote our maximum efforts toward these objectives. It is extremely gratifying to me to know that the actions which the Agency either has had under consideration, or now is contemplating, have your support.


/s/ William F. McKee


Honorable Charles S. Murphy
Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board
Washington, D. C. 24028