APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200090019-6
Glossary (u/ou)
Abbreviation | Swedish | English |
ABF | Arbetornes bildningsforbund | Workers Educational Association |
CP | Centerpartiet | Central Party |
DFFG | De Forenade FNL-Grupperna | United National Liberation Front Groups |
FP | Folkpartiet | Liberal Party |
FPU | Folkpartiets Ungdomsförbun | Liberal Youth League |
KDS | Kristen Demokratisk Samling | Christian Democratic Union |
KF | Kooperativa Forbundet | Consumers Cooperative Union |
KFML | Kommunistika Forbundet Marxist-Leninisterna | Communist League of Marxist-Leninists |
LO | Landsorganisationen | Federation of Trade Unions |
MLK | Marxist-Leninistika Kampforbunet | Marxist-Leninist Struggle League |
MP | Moderatasamlingspartiet | Moderate Coalition Party |
RLF | Riksforbundet Landsbygdens Folk | National Farmers Union |
SAF | Svenska arbetsgivareforeningen | Swedish Employers Confederation |
SAP | Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti | Swedish Social Democratic Workers' Party (Social Democratic Party) |
SIF | Sveriges industriforbund | Federation of Swedish Industries |
SKP | Sveriges Kommunistiska Partiet | Swedish Communist Party |
SSU | Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsförbundet | Swedish Social Democratic Youth Association |
TCO | Tjanstemannens Centralorganisation | Central Organization of Salaried Employees |
VPK | Vansterpartiet Kommunisterna | Party of the Left-Communist |
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200090019-6