APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200090021-3
the International Labor Organization Yearbook, 1970 (Geneva, 1971). Timely information is also provided by a number of fact sheets published by the Swedish Institute, including Active Manpower Policy in Sweden (1971), and Swedish Labor-Management Relations and Collective Bargaining (1971). The Annual Labor Reports issued by the U.S. Embassy in Stockholm are perhaps the most up-to-date, well-focused summaries available.
Clear, concise summaries of the complex welfare programs may be found in the pamphlet, Social Policy and How It Works (1970), and in the fact sheets, Social Insurance in Sweden (1970), and The Economy of the Swedish Family (1970), all published by the Swedish Institute. Detailed information on the cost of the most comprehensive welfare system in the world is found in The Cost and Financing of the Social Services in Sweden (1970), issued by the National Central Bureau of Statistics.
Cooperation in the labor, health, and welfare fields has been extensively promoted by the Nordic Council, leading in the publication, under its auspices, of several studies covering the Nordic area as a whole. Among the useful surveys are Nordic Cooperation in the Social and Labor Fields (Oslo, 1965) issued by the Nordic Committee on Social Policy; Social Security in the Nordic Countries, 1966/67 (Copenhagen, 1970) issued by the Nordic Social Statistics Committee; and Housing in the Nordic Countries (Copenhagen, 1968), a publication sponsored by the ministries concerned with housing and urban development in each of the five countries, and issued by the Nordic Council.
3. Education, public information, and cultural expression
The annual International Yearbook of Education, 1970 (1971), issued by UNESCO, is one of the better timely basic summaries of the Swedish educational system. A more comprehensive survey is Education in Sweden (1970, published by the Swedish Institute. The best, most up-to-date comparative study of Swedish higher education is the well-focused, Higher Education in Nine Countries (1971), by Bum, Altbach, Kerr, and Perkins. The Organization and Planning of Swedish Research (1969) and Adult Education in Sweden (1970), both put out by the Swedish Institute, are good basic treatments of those subjects.
Mass media are adequately described in the fact sheet, Mass Media in Sweden, published by the Swedish Institute (Stockholm, 1970). The Swedish press is covered briefly in Media Scandinavia '70 (Copenhagen, 1970), issued by the Danish Association of Advertising Agencies. The Foreign Press: A Survey of the World's Journalism (Baton Rouge, 1970), prepared by John C. Merrill, Carter R. Bryan, and Marvin Alisky is of only marginal use because of shallow analyses and occasional factual errors.
A brief survey of cultural life is presented in the previously cited Facts About Sweden. Frequent short, albeit authoritative, articles on social and cultural topics appear in The American-Scandinavian Review, issued quarterly by the American-Scandinavian Foundation.
4. Statistical and other reference works
The basic source for statistical information on Sweden is the Statistisk Arsbok, 1971 (Stockholm, 1970), the yearbook published annually with English summaries and subheadings by the National Central Bureau of Statistics. Some Data About Sweden published by Stockholms Enskilda Bank (1970) is also a reliable source for statistical data. A summary of the Swedish budget, The Swedish Budget 1971/72, os published by the Ministry of Finance and Economy. Useful comparisons with the other Nordic countries are provided in the Yearbook of Nordic Statistics, 1970 (Stockholm, 1971), published by the Nordic Council, and The Scandinavian Market, '70, A Statistical Survey of the Four Scandinavian Countries (Zurich, 1970), issued by the Scandinavian-owned Zurich Nordfinanz-Bank and Paris Banque Nordique de Commerce. International statistical comparisons are to be found in the United Nations Statistical Yearbook, 1971 (New York, 1972), the United Nations Demographic Yearbook, 1971 (New York, 1972), and the United Nations Compendium of Social Statistics, 1967 (New York, 1968).
APPROVED FOR RELEASE: 2009/06/16: CIA-RDP01-00707R000200090021-3