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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/04 : CIA-RDP08C01297R000100120005-5

Research Memorandum
RES-2, January 14, 1964

TO : The Secretary
FROM : INR - Thomas L. Hughes Signature of Thomas L. Hughes
SUBJECT : The Afghanistan-China Boundary Settlement

Modern China has been involved in numerous international disputes engendered by undefined or poorly delimited boundaries. At the request of the Embassy Kabul, the recent Afghan Chinese Communist border agreement has been plotted on a medium-scale map and the resulting boundary has been analysed.


Boundary agreement produces no surprises. On November 22, 1963, the governments of Afghanistan and Communist China signed a boundary delimitation treaty, the fifth agreement of this nature negotiated by the Peiping regime in recent years. The Afghan-Chinese treaty follows the recent Chinese Communist trend of accepting, for the most part, claims of the smaller neighboring states. As a result, no cession of Afghan territory is involved. The new boundary, 47 miles long, is probably identical with the "traditional" location, although the precise position of its southern terminus is not yet clear. As a consequence of the new treaty, Communist China's boundary disagreements are now confined to Korea, India and the U.S.S.R.

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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/09/04 CIA-RDP08C01297R000100120005-5