Page:CIA World Factbook(1982).djvu/20

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Highways: 21,000 km total (1981); 3,000 km paved, 2,100 km gravel, 8,900 km improved earth, and 7,000 km unimproved earth

Inland waterways: total navigability 1,070 km; steamers up to about 500 metric tons use sections of Amu Darya

Ports: 3 minor river ports; largest Sher Khan

Civil air: 6 major transport aircraft

Airfields: 37 total, 36 usable; 10 with permanent-surface runways; 8 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 12 with runways 1,220-2,439 m

Telecommunications: limited telephone, telegraph, and radiobroadcast services; television introduced in 1980; telephones (0.2 per 100 popl.); 5 AM and no FM stations, 1 TV station, 1 earth satellite station


Military manpower: males 15-49, about 3,602,000; 1,998,000 fit for military service; about 146,000 reach military age (22) annually

Supply: dependent on foreign sources, almost exclusively the USSR

Military budget: estimated expenditures for fiscal year ending 31 March 1979, about $63.8 million; approximately 12% of central government budget


(See reference map V)


28,749 km²; 19% arable, 24% other agricultural, 43% forested, 14% other

Land boundaries: 716 km


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 15 nm

Coastline: 418 km (including Sazan Island)


Population: 2,792,000 (July 1982), average annual growth rate 2.1%

Nationality: noun—Albanian(s); adjective—Albanian

Ethnic divisions: 96% Albanian, remaining 4% are Greeks, Vlachs, Gypsies, and Bulgarians

Religion: 70% Muslim, 20% Albanian Orthodox, 10% Roman Catholic; observances prohibited; Albania claims to be the world's first atheist state

Language: Albanian, Greek

Literacy: about 70%; no reliable current statistics available, but probably greatly improved

Labor force: 911,000 (1969); 60.5% agriculture, 17.9% industry, 21.6% other nonagricultural


Official name: People's Socialist Republic of Albania

Type: Communist state

Capital: Tiranë

Political subdivisions: 27 rethet (districts), including capital

Legal system: based on constitution adopted in 1976; judicial review of legislative acts only in the Presidium of the People's Assembly, which is not a true court; legal education at State University of Tiranë; has not accepted compulsory 1CJ jurisdiction

National holiday: Liberation Day, 29 November