Page:CIA World Factbook(1982).djvu/245

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Exports: $29.27 billion (f.o.b., 1980); principal items—machinery and equipment, chemicals, precision instruments, metal products, textiles, foodstuffs

Imports: $35,174 billion (c.i.f., 1980); principal items—machinery and transportation equipment, metals and metal products, foodstuffs, chemicals, textile fibers and yarns

Major trade partners: 60% EC, 23% other developed, 4% Communist, 12% LDCs

Aid: donor: bilateral economic aid committed (ODA and OOF), $860 million (1970-79)

Budget: receipts $8.33 billion, expenditures $8.87 billion, deficit $0.54 billion (1980)

Monetary conversion rate: US$1.00=1.96 Swiss francs (1981 average)

Fiscal year: calendar year


Railroads: 5,098 km total; 2,895 km government owned (SBB), 2,822 km standard gauge (1.435 m); 73 km narrow gauge (LOO m); 1,339 km double track, 99% electrified; 2,203 km nongovernment owned, 710 km standard gauge (1.435 m), 1,418 km meter-gauge (1.00 m), 75 km 0.790-meter gauge, 100% electrified

Highways: £2,145 km total (all paved), of which 18,620 km are canton and 1,057 km are national highways (740 km autobahn)

Pipelines: 314 km crude oil; 1,046 km natural gas

Inland waterways: 65 km; Rhine River-Basel to Rheinfelden, Schaffhausen to Constanz; in addition, there are 12 navigable lakes ranging in size from Lake Geneva to Hallwilersee

Ports: 1 major (Basel), 2 minor (all inland)

Civil air: 83 major transport aircraft, including 1 leased out

Airfields: 80 total, 71 usable; 41 with permanent-surface runways; 2 with runways over 3,660 m, 7 with runways 2,440-3,659 m, 14 with runways 1,220-2,439 m

Telecommunications: excellent domestic, international, and broadcast services; 4.45 million telephones (70.0 per 100 popl.); 6 AM, 200 FM, and 1,125 TV stations; 1 satellite station with 2 Atlantic Ocean antennas


Military manpower: males 15-49, 1,656,000; 1,435,000 fit for military service; 50,000 reach military age (20) annually

Major ground units: no active combat units

Military budget: proposed for fiscal year ending 31 December 1982, $2,018 million; 20.1% of proposed central government budget


(See reference map VI)


186,480 km2 (including 1,295 km 2 of Israeli-occupied territory); 48% arable, 29% grazing, 2% forest, 21% desert

Land boundaries: 2,196 km (1967) (excluding occupied area 2,156 km)


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 35 nm

Coastline: 193 km


Population: 9,423,000 (July 1982), average annual growth rate 3.4%

Nationality: noun—Syrian(s); adjective—Syrian

Ethnic divisions: 90.3% Arab; 9.7% Kurds, Armenians, and other

Religion: 74% Sunni Muslim, 16% Alawites, Druze, and other Muslim sects, 10% Christians of various sects

Language: Arabic, Kurdish, Armenian; French and English widely understood

Literacy: about 40%

Labor force: 2.2 million; 32% agriculture, 29% industry (including construction), 39% miscellaneous services; majority unskilled; shortage of skilled labor

Organized labor: 5% of labor force


Official name: Syrian Arab Republic

Type: republic; under leftwing military regime since March 1963

Capital: Damascus

Political subdivisions: 13 provinces and city of Damascus administered as separate unit

Legal system: based on Islamic law and civil law system; special religious courts; constitution promulgated in 1973; legal education at Damascus University and University of Aleppo; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction