Page:CIA World Factbook(1982).djvu/45

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BOTSWANA (Continued)


Railroads: 726 km 1.067-meter gauge

Highways: 10,784 km total; 1,105 km paved; 1,465 km crushed stone or gravel; 5,177 km improved earth and 3,037 km unimproved earth

Inland waterways: native craft only; of local importance

Civil air: 5 major transport aircraft, including 1 leased in

Airfields: 78 total, 67 usable; 3 with permanent-surface runways; 13 with runways 1,220-2,439 m

Telecommunications: the small system is a combination of open-wire lines, radio-relay links, and a few radiocommunication stations; 11,700 telephones (1.5 per 100 popl.); 5 AM, 1 FM, and 2 TV stations; INTELSAT satellite ground station


Military manpower: males 15-49, 177,000; 94,000 fit for military service; 9,000 reach military age (18) annually

Military budget: for fiscal year ending 31 March 1982, $28.7 million; 4.6% of central government budget


(See reference map IV)


8,521,100 km2; 4% cultivated, 13% pasture, 23% built-on area, waste, and other, 60% forested

Land boundaries: 13,076 km


Limits of territorial waters (claimed): 200 nm

Coastline: 7,491 km


Population: 127,734,000 (July 1982), average annual growth rate 2.3%

Nationality: noun—Brazilian(s); adjective—Brazilian

Ethnic divisions: 60% white, 30% mixed, 8% Negro, and 2% Indian (1960 est.)

Religion: 93% Roman Catholic (nominal)

Language: Portuguese

Literacy: 83% of the population 15 years or older (1978)

Labor force: about 40 million in 1976—36.3% agriculture, livestock, forestry, and fishing; 23.2% industry; 18.9% services, transportation, and communication; 9.2% commerce; 6.1% social activities; 3.5% public administration; 2.8% other

Organized labor: about 50% of labor force; only about 1.5 million pay dues


Official name: Federative Republic of Brazil

Type: federal republic; military-backed presidential regime since April 1964

Capital: Brasilia

Political subdivisions: 23 states, 3 territories, federal district (Brasilia)

Legal system: based on Latin codes; dual system of courts, state and federal; constitution adopted 1967 and extensively amended in 1969; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction

National holiday: Independence Day, 7 September