SEEKFORD, the CIA agent in touch with Castillo Armas, forwarded to Headquarters a disposal list compiled by Castillo Armas. That list called for the execution through executive action of 58 Guatemalans (Category I) and the imprisonment or exile of 74 additional Guatemalans (Category II).[1] SEEKFORD also reported at the same time, 18 September 1952, that General Rafael Trujillo, the dictator of the Dominican Republic, had agreed to aid Castillo Armas in return for the “killing of four Santo Dominicans at present residing in Guatemala a few days prior to D-Day.” According to SEEKFORD, Castillo Armas readily agreed, but cautioned that it could not be done prior to D-day because of security reasons. Castillo Armas further added that his own plans included similar action and that special squads were already being trained.[2] There is no record that Headquarters took any action regarding Castillo Armas’ list.
After the PBFORTUNE operation was officially terminated, the Agency continued to pick up reports of assassination planning on the part of the Guatemalan opposition. In late November 1952, for example, an opposition Guatemalan leader, in a conversation with SEEKFORD, confirmed that Castillo Armas had special “K” groups whose mission was to kill all leading political and military leaders, and that the hit list with the location of the homes and offices of all targets had already been drawn up.[3] On 12 December SEEKFORD reported further that Castillo Armas planned to make maximum use of the “K” groups.[4] Another source subsequently reported that Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Salvadoran soldiers in civilian clothes would infiltrate Guatemala and assassinate unnamed Communist leaders.[5]
In addition to monitoring events in Guatemala, the Agency continued to try to influence developments and to float ideas for disposing of key figures in the government. in 1953 proposed not only to focus on sabotage, defection, penetration, and propaganda efforts with regard to Guatemala, but to eliminate According to ’s draft memorandum, after creating a story that was preparing to oust the Communists, he could be eliminated. His assassination would be “laid to the Commies” and used to bring about a mass defection of the Guatemalan army.[6] A Western Hemisphere Division memo of 28 August 1953 also suggested possibly assassinating key Guatemalan military officers if they refused to be converted to the rebel cause.[7] In September 1953 also sent an updated plan of action which included a reference to “neutralizing” key Guatemalan military leaders.[8]
In the psychological warfare area, Guatemala City Station sent all leading Communists in Guatemala, “death notice” cards for 30 straight days beginning 15 April 1953. The Station repeated the operation beginning 15 June 1953 but reported no reaction from the targeted leaders.[9]
- ↑ See to “Guatemala Communist Personnel to be Disposed of During Military Operations of CALLIGERIS,” (Castillo Armas), 18 September 1952, Box 134 (S).
- ↑ See, Report #3 to “Liaison between CALLEGERIS and General Trujillo of Santo Domingo,” 18 September 1952, Box 134 (S). Assassination was a nasty but frequent tool of Guatemalan politics. Arbenz himself benefited from the killing of his arch rival for the presidency Franciso Arana in 1949.
- ↑ See to memo, “Conference,” 1 December 1952, Box 134 (S).
- ↑ To memo, “Current Planning of Calligeris Organization,” 12 December 1952, Box 134 (S). See also, Acting Chief, Branch, Western Hemisphere Division that reported in November 1952 that Castillo Armas was studying PW use of liquidation lists. Memorandum for the record, “PW Conference,” 5 November 1952, Box 151 (S). The case officer also reported that the Arbenz government had targeted Castillo Armas for assassination.
- ↑ See 30 March 1953, Box 150 (S).
- ↑ See memorandum, “Proposed Course of Action If Plan is Not Continued in Present Form,” undated but probably 1953, Box 154 (S).
- ↑ Western Hemisphere Division, memo, “PBFORTUNE,” 28 August 1953, Box 72 (S).
- ↑ See memo to “Guatemala—General Plan of Action,” 11 September 1953, Box 5 (TS). See also the attached memorandum from to 9 September 1953 (TS).
- ↑ See Dispatch, COS Guatemala City to LINCOLN, “Death Notices.” 19 April 1954, Box 99 (S).