Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/104

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A Yes, this is.

Q Okay. And can you tell us, how did you use this spreadsheet?

A I mean, you can see on there there's, you know—it's obviously redacted, but contact information and the name of the senator or representative. And then, you know, you can see where it says caller. And then, you know, you can see in there VM for voicemail, notes, things like that.

Q And caller, is that who is assigned to call the elected official?

A Correct.

Q On the first page, so it's Bates 1528—

AA Yeah.

Q —there are six States. So it's Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. I don't think we had mentioned Wisconsin before. Do you recall that Wisconsin was part of the States that you and your other colleagues were calling legislators in?

A I don't have any memory of calling anyone in Wisconsin. Maybe there were calls. | mean, this was over a year ago, so I don't remember much.

And about this first—this first page, the 1—the 1528, this very first page in here, I don't remember ever using this page. You know, like I mentioned earlier, it wasn't like one person was assigned to a certain State. You know, I'm not sure really who or why this was made. Maybe this was an idea and then it just wasn't followed up on.

I just want to be clear, you know, it's not like—like this list that I was the State point of contact and it says Georgia beside it, and I just want to be clear that that's really not the case—

Q No, thank you.

A —of how things played out.