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Trump campaign's name was on the lease.

Q So it's not—Tulip does not refer to any specific person?

A No. It refers to a place, which I guess he's referring to all of us as Team Tulip.

Q Okay. And Flynn, you said, is Steve Flynn?

A Shawn.

Q Or, excuse me, Shawn Flynn. And what was—how did he help with your effort in terms of calling elected officials?

A He was the State director for election day operations in Michigan. So, you know, I guess he was looped in on what we were doing. I don't have any specific memory of how this call went with Flynn or what Flynn said on this call, so—

Q De you recall if Mr. Flynn, Mr. Shawn Flynn, was involved with any of the other States in the outreach that you and others did to elected officials there or just in Michigan?

A I think that's a question you'd have to ask Shawn. I believe it was just Michigan. He wasn't looped in on, you know, any other States that we were making these calls in, to my knowledge.

Q Was Mr. Flynn ever at, like, the meetings that you all had in Philly?

A Shawn—I did not see Shawn Flynn in person until we were fully working on the Senate runoffs in Georgia. That was the first time I had met him in person.

Q And about when was that, when you were fully working on the Senate runoffs in Georgia, if you have an approximate date?

A Yeah. So like I said, our contract officially—well, my contract, and I would assume Shawn's contract also, started on the 1st of December. But we arrived in Atlanta, Georgia, I would say, sometime between the 7th of December and the 9th or