Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/114

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Is this an example that you're saying, like, Michael Brown would, like, report to Roman and Roman would, like, give instructions far purposes of, like, the script and making calls to elected officials?

A I don't know. You'd have to ask Brown, you know, what their relationship was and what they discussed.

Q Okay. Do you recall hearing at times that Michael Brown was waiting for instructions from Roman? Do you recall that just in meetings or talking to him?

A I recall that, you know, reading it now, reading it over text message. And Michael Brown reported to Mike Roman, so in any instance talking about any task it would not be uncommon for him to say, "I'm waiting on Roman to respond." I feel like that's a typical boss-employee relationship.

Q And if you turn the next page to 503, there's a draft script. And if you go to 505, I think it's a—he makes some—there's some slight changes.

Do you recall if this is the script that was used? And believe this related to Arizona based off of the wording and the message. And this is on Bates 505—1505.

A You know, I don't recall if this ended up being the final version or not, no.

Q But looking at it, does this look like they generally have kind of similar language and it—

A Yeah, going back to the one—you know, like I said earlier, it was slightly—I guess it was slightly tweaked for each State. But this language looks the same as the draft we talked about before the lunch break.

Q And that was a draft relating to the State of Georgia, I believe?

A The one we talked about before lunch was about Georgia.

Q Okay. Do you recall ever calling any governors or secretaries of state as part of this project?