Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/120

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or not.

Q So I recall from your production you had—there were, like, Facebook posts—

A Uh-huh.

Q and I think it looked like you were doing internet research on individuals and, like, where they were maybe at certain points of time. 1s that potentially, like, related to this project?

A Yes. So—and it's been a while, so correct me if I'm wrong, but incapacitated means, you know, you are stuck in your home, for lack of a better word. So I think their reason—reasons—they were on vacation or something, you know, during election day would be part of the reason as to why they, you know, maybe were not incapacitated.

Q Did Mr. McGinnis or anyone else ever say why—what this information was being used for?

A There is—I'm sorry. I'm looking for it. I know it's—so he does respond, and it's the last photo in this. It's 1654. He responds and says, "Email sent off," you know. And then the next message says, "Jon said we did an awesome job."

I don't know who Jon is. It's clear that he sent an email to someone and then Jon responds and says we did an awesome job.

Q And with respect to, if you know, the "47 hits total," would that be 47 individuals who did not appear incapacitated?

A I would assume so.

Q Okay. And it looks like this—all this work was done in the span of maybe a long day. Is that right?

A Yes, this all just seems to be from one day.