Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/24

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A Right. Well, since I went to work for the NRSC directly after leaving the campaign, there was no time to turn in the computer. I mean, it just kind of came with me, and now it just collects dust in a closet, so—

Q Okay. Got it.

  Do you have anything on this computer point?

  No, not at this time.



Q You mentioned that you used your campaign email address that you no longer have access to. Did you also use any other email accounts to conduct your business as elected officials outreach coordinator?

A It would've just been my personal email address through Gmail, which would've connected to, you know, shared documents and stuff through Google Sheets and things like that.

Q Okay. And did you search your personal Gmail account for documents responsive to the subpoena?

A I did. My Gmail, you know, actual email and everything on the drive as well.

Q Okay.

Did you use any social media apps in the course of your work as elected officials outreach coordinator?

A I guess Twitter to just look and see if things such as op-eds or interviews that elected officials had done had been published. Probably the same for Facebook as well.

Oh, and we did—sorry, forgot this part. We—Madison and myself, if there was ever an elected official who was interested in working with us, we would run a quick,