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lawyers to battleground States to help out on election day and the week before and after.

Q Okay. And approximately how far in advance of election day did you start working with the EDO team?

A Maybe a couple weeks. Not very long.

Q Okay. And what if anything was different about the responsibilities of the EDO team on election day itself, November 3rd?

A I was not with the team on election day.

Q Okay. Where were you on election day?

A Campaign headquarters in Arlington.

Q Okay. And what were your duties or responsibilities on election day itself?

A Not much. I got there probably around 8 or 9 o'clock in the morning.

Basically, the President—or President Trump came to visit the campaign headquarters, so it was a lot of sitting around, security, before, after, really just chatting, went out, got lunch, came back, sat around some more.

Then, on election night, once the polls started closing, my only responsibility was to try and figure out what news organization called which State first. And I would just plug it in with a link to a tweet from Decision Desk or something like that into a spreadsheet.

Q Okay. And what do you remember about how that election night proceeded following the polls closing?

A Not much. Madison and myself were the only ones—really the only people we directly worked with from EDO or the political department, the elected officials outreach office. Madison and I were the only ones present from either of those offices that I remember. So, I mean, there really wasn't much going on.

Q All right. So you're watching the—each of the networks to determine