Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/36

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A Sorry, can you clarify?

Q Sure. Yeah, I guess I'm just trying to understand better, are you using the term "contract" because there was an actual contract that was written that prescribed the terms of your employment and set a specific end date to your employment?

A Yes, I'm talking about people who were on payroll. Is that more clear for you?

Q Yes. I guess, I'm wondering whether it was just on payroll as staff such that you could be let go at any time, or whether you were actually a contractor of the campaign that had a defined term of employment that ended on a specific date.

Mr. Brothers. So just for clarification, and I guess to avoid speculation, is your question whether Ms. McCallum had a contract?


Mr. Brothers. Okay.

So, yeah, did you have a contract with the Trump campaign for your work, you know, pre-election day?

The Witness. Yes, I signed, like, an employee contract, and after that I was put on payroll. And I believe somewhere in the contract said that the last payday would be the 15th or 30th or something like that. You know, I'm not entirely sure how that looked for other people, and I don't have a clear memory on what exactly it was for me.


Q Got it. Thank you for that clarification, Mr. Brothers. That helped.

So did you sign that contract of employment by the campaign before you started working there in approximately March 2020?

A I believe so. I don't have access to any of those employment documents anymore, so—