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James Fitzpatrick, instructed me to drive Linda Kerns. She was an attorney. I believe she represented the campaign. I drove her to Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for some kind of hearing.

Q Other than driving Ms. Kerns to the hearing itself, did you have any other involvement with the litigation case there?

A Can I refer to—

Q Go ahead.

[Discussion off the record.]

The Witness. No, none that I recall.


Q Okay. Other than Ms. Kerns, who you just mentioned, and Ms. Norton, who we discussed earlier, did you have any other interactions with lawyers for the campaign while you were in Pennsylvania?

A Christina Norton is not an attorney.

Q Oh, I'm sorry.

A She is the political director for the National Republican Lawyers Association.

Q Okay. Thank you for that clarification.

So other than Ms. Kerns only, did you have any other interaction with lawyers for the Trump campaign while you were in Pennsylvania?

A Michael Brown is an attorney. I'm not sure if James Fitzpatrick is an attorney or not.

There were, you know, like I mentioned, those volunteers who were collecting the affidavits and everything. They were in the same building. And, like I said, I would assist Madi in making sure that they had, you know, catering and office supplies and things like that. So no interactions, particular interactions that I remember, but, you