Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/63

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when officially or unofficially Pennsylvania was called for Joe Biden, so I can't answer that question.

Q Okay. Is it your understanding though that there—the Trump campaign and lawyers supporting the Trump campaign were working to contest the outcome of the official, you know, the official result of the Presidential election in Pennsylvania?

A I stated earlier that I have no idea what was going on on the litigation front for attorneys representing the Trump campaign, so I just—I don't think I can answer that. I don't know.

  Okay. Maybe this is a good time to take our break?

Mr. Brothers. Okay.

  If that's—Ms. Lofgren, unless you have any questions before we take a brief break?

Ms. Lofgren. No, I'm fine. And how long will the break be, do we think?

  Mr. Brothers, do you want to proceed with another sort of similar block of questioning or would you like to take a longer break?

Mr. Brothers. Can we have a conversation—


Mr. Brothers. —about how long you think we're going to be going?

  Yeah. Maybe—

Mr. Brothers. I don't know if we need to be on the record.

  Yeah, I think we can go off the record now.
