Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/69

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  Okay. Thanks. That's all I had.


Q We'll turn to another document. If you want to turn to the document behind tab 3, it's just a one-page text communication, with the Bates—I think it's 604.

And you can take a minute, you and Mr. Brothers, to review the document.

A Okay.

Q You've both reviewed it?

A Uh-huh.

Q Okay. So this communication is dated November 28, 2020. Is that right?

A Correct.

Q And this is with Mr. Brown and Mr.—excuse me, Ms. Crawley?

A Yes, "Madi" being short for Madison.

Q And we don't have the exact timestamp. That wasn't provided. So I'm not sure what time this was. But if you look at the fourth message down, Mr. Brown asks, "Can you pull all the donors to PA House Speaker Jake Cutler and cross reference them with DJT?"

Do you see that?

A I do.

Q Okay. Do you remember receiving this request?

A Vaguely.

Q Okay. Can you tell us what you remember about what he was asking for?

A He said that he needed myself and Madison to pull the donors, meaning people who donated to Pennsylvania House Speaker Jake Cutler and people who donated to DJT, standing for Donald Trump's campaign, and, you know, seeing what names matched up.