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the different States, to the best of your recollection.

A To the best of my recollection. I think that it was also just basically, like, a situation where, you know, I have five, so Madison has five, so Kerrick has five, so Chelsea has five. You know, it was also a just fairness of splitting up people's time as well, you know, so we were all, you know, making five calls or whatever it was.

Q And do you recall that you all were—all the four of you, or potentially five if Mr. Brown was making calls as well, were calling elected officials in more than one State, not just Georgia?

A Never more than one State at a time, I don't believe. So we would all be calling into the same State at one given time.

Q Do you—and I recognize it's been some time—do you recall the order of States that you called elected officials from?

A No. And I really—I can't even speculate on it. I have no idea, the order. I do—actually, I do take that back. I know that Michigan took place sometime before Georgia. But as far as other order goes, no idea.

Q Do you recall if the phone calls were—well, I'll direct you to the document. It mentions on tab 7, if you look at the paragraph starting, "Right now, Mayor Giuliani is presenting experts and witnesses from Georgia to the Senate judiciary committee who will show the vote totals are fatally flawed and do not accurately represent the will of the voters"—so you can see here there's a reference to Mayor Giuliani presenting experts and witnesses. Do you see that?

A I see it, yes.

Q Do you recall whether these calls to the State officials were coordinated with when Mr. Giuliani was presenting experts and witnesses in the State?

A Based on the script, I mean, I can only assume that the timing of those—you