Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/90

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A Any further information about the claims in the script?

Q So I'll say this: To the extent someone would ask a question about something that you were asking in the script, were you provided any information so you could follow up and potentially answer their question?

A No. Mostly, what I did with these calls is leave voicemails. No one was really answering the phone.

And if I did get a hold of someone and they had a question like that, I would make note of that, note their question or request or whatever it was on a spreadsheet. And I don't know if those notes were ever read or if anyone ever followed up with them.

Q Do you recall anyone asking questions about anything that you said after reciting your script?

A No, I don't recall any particular questions that anyone had.

Q So you don't recall anyone asking any questions about, for example, that when you're calling a State official, elected official, that they have the power to reclaim their authority to send a slate of electors? Do you recall anyone asking questions about that statement?

A No, I don't remember any conversations with State representatives or senators about that, about the power to reclaim.

Q Did you ever ask Mr. Brown or anyone else about the script, any questions about the script?

A No. And I want to repeat myself from earlier: You know, as a low-level campaign staffer who really just looked at this as another job assignment, I didn't really give it much thought.

That's all I have to say.

Q If you go towards kind of the middle of the script, it says, "This is a clear path