Page:CTRL0000034605 - Transcribed Interview of Angela McCallum, (December 8, 2021).pdf/94

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  Sure. Yeah, that's a helpful clarification.


Q At the time that you made the calls based on the script that you were given, what did you understand what "attempted theft" referred to?

A You know, I just—like I said, I don't think I really gave it much thought. I really—you know, it was just another job assignment to me.

Q Okay. And, at any later point of time, did you come to have a different understanding of what "attempted theft" might refer to?

A I mean, I believe that that's, you know, another way of—you know, this script's referring to election fraud. But, I mean, I—like I said, I didn't write the script. I don't know what it was referring to.

Q Understood.

And the same question for you about the sentence just above that one, where it says to the audience of State legislators, "You have the power to reclaim your authority to send a slate of Electors."

At the time that you made the calls based on this seript that you were given, what did you understand that to refer to?

A I think I pretty much have the same answer as the previous question. I really didn't give it much thought. I mean, thinking—yeah. I don't have any more to that question.

Q Okay.

And same question for you about that one. At any point later, did you come to have a different understanding of what this refers to, about "authority to send a slate of Electors"?

A Yeah. I mean—sorry. Similar to the question I answered before about