Page:CTRL0000034607 - Deposition of Ali Alexander, (Dec. 9, 2021).pdf/125

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Q It's the court reporter.

 . It's a fair concern though. If you see something, please don't hesitate. And we will jump up and check. I appreciate it.

The Witness. So the "he" is either Congressman Brooks or his staff. Sometimes in politics it is the Member. Sometimes it's someone representing the Member, and then someone represents that as a third party as the Member. I hope that's not confusing.

 . So help me out then. Show me anywhere in your production where you are speaking to Congressman Brooks.

The Witness. We provided, I think, you know, over a thousand text message. If it's not in here and it exists and it's in my possession, I'm instructing my counsel to go over it and look for it with our consultants and provide it?

BY  :

Q Maybe I could ask a clarifying question. A second ago you said the reach-out may be the Congressperson or it could be their staff.

How often is it the Congressperson that reaches out directly to you?

A I wouldn't know.

Q No, no, I mean just generally, like, how often do Congresspeople call you, text, or email you directly?

A That's a rare thing. Most stuff is delegated to staff, even if it's in the Member's name, is what I'm trying to, I think, explain, and I'm not doing a good job of it.

Q This is my lack of political knowledge. But I've gotten the impression from some of the folks I work with that it's actually a big deal when a Congressperson calls you, emails you, or texts you in person, like, themselves.

Do you agree with that? Like is that your perception of it or in your experience?