Page:CTRL0000034607 - Deposition of Ali Alexander, (Dec. 9, 2021).pdf/145

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50. Date of application—

Sorry, exhibit 35. I will give you a second to get there.

The Witness. 35 or 34?

Mr.  . 34. No, no, 36, 36. Sorry. 36, page 4, it is your application that was filed on December 21st, 2020.

Ms.   I'm sorry, hard copy 4 not—

Mr.   Hard copy 4.

Ms.   I'm with you.

BY MR.  :

Q It says: Estimated number of participants, 50. You're saying that's the Capitol Police's idea to put that down?

A That's the guidance that the U.S. Capitol Police gave everyone that they talked to is what my consultant and other people told me, and I was informed of it.

Q Is it advice, or is it that you only can hold an event with 50 or less people?

A That's not true. And that's not been my experience at all.

Q So, again, when you put 50 down on this application, it is not the U.S. Capitol Police filing this application. It is a fake entity called One Nation Under God, instead of "stop the steal." Why did you make the decision to put 50 on this application?

A I didn't make that—I didn't—I didn't fill out this application. I don't have the expertise to fill out this application. I don't have originating information that would enable me to fill out this information. And One Nation Under God is not a fictitious entity, as I've described here before. It is an event name. And that is a norm that honors our First Amendment in the application process for decades.

Q You just said one One Nation Under God is not an entity; it is a name of an event. So it's not an entity. And I want to ask you so we're clear on the record, is it