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director or something like that. That's my expectation.

Q Do you know how to spell Brushwitz (ph)?

Mr.   We can follow up.

Ms.   Common spelling.

BY MR.  :

Q All right. So then Lauren B within the text message, I read that as Representative Boebert. Do you as well?

A I think so. And I don't remember if that was a contact with Alexander or with someone else.

Q But not yours?

A No. I don't think I've ever exchanged two words with her.

Q You say Marjorie is the next name. Is that right?

A Yes.

Q Who is that?

A Congresswoman Greene.

Q Do you have any direct contact with her?

A I don't believe so. I know that we've, you know—I think we've, you know, once at the Trump Hotels exchanged pleasantries or an introduction.

Q Enough that you were on a first name basis with her?

A No. I just think that she's awesome.

Q That's fair. But you refer to her in the first name as just shorthand?

A Yeah.

Q Did you have any contact with any staffer of hers or campaign?

A Alexander was her consultant.

Q Understood. And then Congressman Kelly. Did you have any direct