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out, but they just said it was their vision to protect the First Amendment. A lot of them are ex-Special Forces or a pay grade above, like, the regular dudes. And so then they were involved.

Q Who is Tracy? Ms. Tracy Beanz, who is that?

A She's a blogger, journalist.

Q Okay. So it sounds like the First Amendment Praetorians provided event security for the November 14th event?

A For the Stop the Steal Coalition, not Women for America First, who had basically taken the position that they were going to occupy my permit.

Q So did you coordinate with Mr. Robert Patrick Lewis for the security?

A I actually think what happened is I tasked Nathan with coordinating with Rob and a gentleman who went by the name Yoda, and—

Q Okay. And what services or expertise did you think that the First Amendment Praetorians were offering?

A Just a general detail protection. Like, I think a lot of security in political circles is just moving you through a large crowd. So it's you with supporters, but to be prepared, if somebody comes and assaults you, to exit you from that situation.

Q So why did you use the Oath Keepers in January, but use the First Amendment Praetorians in November?

A I stopped using 1AP, is what they're short for, in—shortly, I think—I think Atlanta might have been our last efforts with them.

Q And that's around the time Mr. Rhodes reached out to you, correct, with those messages you went over earlier?

A Yeah. Coincidentally, I actually put that together, but yeah.

Q And why did you stop using 1AP?