Page:CTRL0000034607 - Deposition of Ali Alexander, (Dec. 9, 2021).pdf/210

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BY MR.  

Q So I believe you said the upshot of the November 14th event was you were no longer working with Women for America First. Is that correct?

A That's correct.

Q So on the December 12th rally—I believe this was the Jericho March, right?

A Yes.

Q Who were you—who did this event? Who did Stop the Steal do this event with?

A We joined in on an existing event at The National Mall. The Women for America First was still doing something elsewhere, and we did—and that was with the Jericho March, which is a Christian-based group.

Q Okay. And who was in charge of the Jericho March Christian-based group that you coordinated with?

A A gentleman named Rob—and I can't remember his last name—and a lovely woman named Arina. And I think her last name starts with a G. It might be Arina—

Q Is it Grossu?

A That sounds—I think she's Italian or something.

Q Okay. And for the December 12th rally, the Jericho March, did you help pick speakers for that March?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Did you have more creative control over the speaker list for that march?

A Yes.

Q Did you coordinate the speakers through, like, the Trump campaign at all?

A No.