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stage. And so I think I found out contemporaneously during his long speech.

Q Okay.

BY MR.  

Q Were you a witness personally to any of the what I'll call the drama between the Kremers and Alex Jones around December, just yes or no?

A I don't believe so.

Q Do you know anything about that?

A I think I've read a report recently on it.

Q But you weren't personally witness to any of it?

A I don't believe so.

Q Okay.

Ms.   Do you—oh, sorry.

Mr.   Yeah.

When did you—are you still on December?

Ms.   Uh-huh.

Mr.   Okay. Yeah. Go ahead. That was all I had.

Ms.   Oh, actually, I think mine was funding related to January, so—

Mr.   Yeah. I was just going to—just to square it off—you tell me if you've covered this already.

BY MR.  

Q Did we—we saw I think a tweet around December 16th where you said Stop the Steal is coming back to D.C.

Does that timing sound about right, before the President said the "wild" protest?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And the Kremers, also that same day, said they were coming back to