Page:CTRL0000034607 - Deposition of Ali Alexander, (Dec. 9, 2021).pdf/9

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In closing, I want to reiterate my efforts to comply with the committee's subpoena. Over the past few weeks, I've spent more than 80 hours personally searching through my archives, looking for relevant and responsive documentation to the committee's request. I have probably spent another 120 hours preparing for your answers over the past 3 weeks. And I've hired attorneys and computer consultants to be as responsive as possible, to provide as much as I can find within the short amount of time that I had to produce documents.

We have submitted hundreds of pages of documents representing thousands of records, emails and texts, even though much of what is sought over is not pertinent to the committee's purpose, or in some cases, subject to privilege. I did all this despite not being accused of a crime. I did all this despite being a private citizen with constitutional rights protecting me from unreasonable searches and seizures without a warrant entitling anyone to the documents in some cases, I voluntarily provided. It has prevented me from working. It has preventing me from sleeping at times. And it has been extremely difficult and burdensome, but I am here to do the patriotic thing voluntarily.

If this committee thinks of anything I haven't turned over to which you believe I have access to, I ask that you please let me know and how much refresh my memory. I receive, at times, hundreds, or even thousands of texts, or emails a day. I appear at all hours of day and night on media and social media and do interviews, livestreams, and chats. I can't possibly remember everything I've seen, everything I've heard, everything I've read or said.

I went from living the American Dream ta experiencing an American nightmare, where my for my skin color, my birth name, my party affiliation, who I voted for in 2024, my ability to earn a living, my belief that Christ is king, and a concerns about election irregularities have been weaponized against me. But I can assure you I have you nothing