litigation-related responsibilities?
A Not that I recall.
Q Okay. And you stayed there until roughly December. We're about to get into it, but December of 2020?
A That's correct.
Q Did you work closely with any White House staff—and, when I say White House, I now mean West Wing staff—while you were at OMB?
A No, I did not work closely with any White House staff. I would—I would of course see people, but it's—I reported up my chain of command, and it's above my pay grade to—to be dealing with the West Wing.
Q Okay. So you didn't work closely, for example, with Pat Cipollone or Pat Philbin in the White House Counsel's Office?
A I don't recall ever having a substantive conversation with Mr. Cipollone.
Q Okay.
A And I do not recall ever having met Mr. Philbin during my time at the White House.
Q Okay. How about Mr. Meadows? Did you work closely with him officially on—while you were at OMB?
A No. It's—if at any point I saw him at an event, the limits of the communication would have been waving and an exchange of pleasantries. I do not recall a single substantive conversation with Mr. Meadows during—during the time that he was at the White House—
Q Okay.
A —as Chief of Staff to the President.
Q Okay. Now, earlier, you mentioned that you worked for a media