We do ask that you provide complete answers based on your best recollection. If my question is not clear, which it may be, please ask me to clarify, and I will. And, if you don't know the answer, please just say so.
You may only refuse to answer a question to preserve a privilege recognized by the select committee. If you refuse to answer a question based on privilege, the staff—we can either proceed with the deposition or seek a ruling from the chairman on the objection. And if the chairman overrules such an objection, you will be required to answer the question.
I do want to remind you that it's unlawful to deliberately provide false information to Congress. And, since this deposition is under oath, providing false information could result in criminal penalties for perjury and/or providing false information.
Do you understand everything that I just mentioned to you?
The Witness. I think so, yes.
Mr. Okay. Do you understand that there could be criminal penalties for deliberately providing false information?
The Witness. Yes.
Mr. All right. So, at this time, I'd ask you to stand and raise your right hand to be sworn.
[Witness sworn.]
Mr. Final thing before I turn it to you, Mr. Greim, just logistics. If you need a break at any time, please let us know. We can break for lunch. And, if there is ever anything you need to speak with your attorneys about, let us know that as well.
Like I said before we went on the record, there is a video camera that's recording this room, and it's not going to stop for the length of the deposition. So just be aware of that if you need to have private conversations.