This evening I took a trout of three and a half pounds. I do not boast about it. It is nothing super-troutish. But it is the largest brown trout I have ever had. It is so obviously the largest that I have ever had, that I have not only weighed it on my own spring, but also on the kitchen scales which I know to be accurate. I tremble to think of the weight to which, when I have time, I shall calculate it on the basis of my own spring's verdict. For my present purpose it is enough that it is my largest trout.
I am continually finding resemblances between angling and life. This is not at all surprising. And I take no credit to myself for it. One can (everybody does) draw parallels between life and any pursuit whatever. The only thing that limits one in this direction is one's own speed and endurance in the covering of paper with words or in dictation to the phonograph, supposing one to be an author of sufficient eminence to employ one of those