all, as many as would have furnished a half-dozen of big shops.
I have mentioned her limousine. She had other cars—a landaulette, a runabout, a touring car. To look after and drive these vehicles, she maintained two shuvvers and a mechanic. They robbed her mercilessly, as did every one else who came near her—her butler, for instance, and her French maid and her chef and all the rest of her domestic staff.
She entertained. Her house in Grosvenor Street became a sort of free hotel for her friends and their friends and the friends of those friends' friends. The Dunkles were out a good deal, but it didn't seem to matter whether they were at home or not, the feasting and dancing went on in the Grosvenor Street house just the same. It began as a rule about half-past twelve, when a few of Chloë's intimates would drop