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Page:Caledonia (Defoe).djvu/17

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At Holy-rood-houſe, the third of December, 1706.

HIS GRACE Her Majeſty's High Commiſſioner, and Lords of Privy Council, having conſidered a Petition given in to them by Daniel De Foe Eſq;: And the ſamen being read in their Preſence, his Grace, and the ſaids Lords do hereby grant Licence to the Petitioner and his Aſſigneys, to publiſh the Poem Entituled Caledonia, a Poem, in Honour of Scotland and the Scots Nation, and diſcharges any other Perſon to Print, Vend, Import, or Sell the ſaid Poem during the ſpace of Seven Years, without the Petitioner or his Aſſigneys Warrand or Commiſſion, under the pain of forefaulting and ſeiſing the Copies ſo Printed, Imported, Vended, or Sold for the Uſe of the Petitioner and by his Aſſigneys, and under the Penalty of Ten Pound Sterling for each Hundred of the ſaids Copics Imported, Printed, Vended or Sold in manner foreſaid, and proportionably for a greater or leſſer Number.

Extracted by me A. MAITLAND. Cl. Scti. Concilii.